Friday, June 30, 2006


I had to leave work a couple of hours early yesterday because I had a very bad headache.

My day started that way -- I woke up with a dull headache. A sick headache. One of those right in the center of your head headaches ----- got worse as the day wore on in spite of massive doses of over the counter analgesiscs. I hated sticking my co-workers to follow up on some of my cases - especially since I am off today. I got home around two thirty and slipped into bed. I woke up around 5PM and my headache had dulled considerably but was still there. I went back to bed after an hour or so and slept until 8:30 - got up and puttered around - ate a bit and was back in bad by 10PM. I slept through the night. My headache is mostly gone. It's still there but I don't even notice it unless I think of it. I was feeling well enough to go out and mow my back lawn, edge it and then trim some of the bushes.

It is amazingly comfortable weather-wise for this time of year. The house was actually cool enough last night where I had to put a robe on over my jammies because I was chilled. Anyway, I wanted to finish the yard yesterday after work so I could spend today running errands. So much for plans. :) In any event Monday is a holiday for me so I have a nice long weekend to look forward to before returning to the salt mines next Wednesday.

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