Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tomato Sandwich

The most important thing, obviously, is the tomato. It needs to be ripe and grown close by; it shouldn't be from a supermarket, or there's no real point to the sandwich. It's best if it has a bit of that odd dry-tomato-stem smell on it, from the garden.

1 ripe tomato
2 slices bread, preferably white farm or peasant
1 Tbsp mayonnaise
Salt and pepper

Slice the tomato thickly - about as thick as a slice of bread.
Spread the tomato with mayonnaise. Place the tomato
on one slice. Sprinkle with salt and a litter pepper, if you like.
Tope with the other slice of bread. Cut the sandwich
in half. Go outside. Makes 1 sandwich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yum...... but then again everything from the garden tastes better.........just wish I had one!!!!