Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Give $25 to help change the world

I want to let you all know about a cool non-profit that is doing great things: allows individuals to make $25 loans to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world (microfinance). By doing so, individuals like you provide affordable working capital for the poor (money to buy a sewing machine, livestock, etc.), empowering them to earn their way out of poverty.

It's a new, direct and sustainable way to fight global poverty, and the way I see it, I get a higher return on $25 helping someone build a future than the interest my checking account pays.


Dostoy said...

Sounds like a great organization. I can't afford to contribute right now, but I'll bookmark the website and make a donation at a later time. Thanks for posting this.

Yar said...

I'm going to check out the bonafides for Kiva and if everything looks on the up and up (as I assume will be the case) I may well contribute. Echoing dostoy; thank you for posting this.

Beth said...

Thanks you guys. I learned of this pgm from the Oprah show. The neat thing about it is that it is a "LOAN" pgm and has over a 97% payback rate. Chances are extremely good that you'll get your investment back. So you can loan it to someone else - add to it and loan more. AND you get to follow the people you help which I think is cool.

Dostoy said...

Guess what? We have subsequently made a a dairy farmer in Azerbaijan.

We learned about Kiva from you. Thanks so much for letting us know about it.

Beth said...

Thank YOU Tim - I had forgotten about this until I got your email via Kiva and I subsequently made a loan to a man with a grocery in Tanzania and to a widow who sells shoes in Azerbijan. This is so exciting - I plan to extend a loan or two every two weeks.