Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chicago Company Offers Bike Delivery of Sex Toys...Women Best Customers

See, necessity really is the mother of invention...sort of. Anthony Mikrut got the idea for his small business the Kinky Llama at 3 a.m. one night/morning, when his girlfriend (he says) got a hankering for some sex aids. What they soon found out, as Mikrut told the Chicago Tribune on the video clip, is that ordering a pizza or even a beer delivery in the wee hours is easy. But ordering up sex toys is a bit more difficult. So Mikrut set himself up in business - crowding his apartment with shelves of sexy stuff. The sustainable twist is that Mikrut makes his deliveries to 27 Chicago zip codes in the dark of night (and of course, in daylight also) by his bike. Mikrut says 98% of his bike deliveries are to women, who don't seem to want to wait for gratification, while a nearly equal percentage of his mail-order is to men. Next day delivery of order is within one hour is an extra $5.

Continued w/Video...

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