Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hydrogen Peroxide Uses

1. Remove spots from carpets. Spray the stained area, then rub and blot with a cloth.
2. Clean bathroom and hand mirrors. Spray peroxide and wipe glass until clear. Peroxide removes build-up of surface contaminants such as smeared make-up, dust, and streaking.
3. Use peroxide on mold. Spray on affected area and repeat as necessary until area whitens.
4. Whiten teeth by brushing with peroxide or by adding it to toothpaste
5. Sterilize cuts and wounds by applying peroxide. It will fizz and boil, which means it's working.
6. Remove blood from mattresses and clothing by spraying with hydrogen peroxide. If using on clothing, rinse to avoid bleaching of fabric.
7. Sterilize and keep your vegetables fresher longer by adding a little 3% peroxide to water when soaking vegetables. Peroxide has an odd flavor so rinse food items before eating.
8. Moisten a Q-tip with peroxide and use it to clean ears
9. Lighten and reduce blackheads on skin by applying peroxide to a cloth and wiping over affected area
10. Kill bacteria on cutting boards by wiping with a cloth that has been moistened with peroxide

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