Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Power of Gradual

When you work at something day in and day out, you achieve huge positive change in your life. If you don’t stick to it, your results can be disappointing. No amount of “blitzing” a series of workouts, “cramming” for exams, or “crash dieting” will get you the results that the Power of Gradual can.

Try this as an experiment. Make a tap leak ever so slightly—maybe a drop every half minute or so. Put an empty bucket below it. Now, go on with your day. Forget about the tap. Actually, I don’t need to tell you to forget the tap. You just will. Sometime later, stroll by the bucket. Holy heck! There’s a lot of water in there. It might even be overflowing (the author will not be held responsible …). That’s the Power of Gradual. It’s the effect of a small thing happening over and over (and over) again.



billie said...

apropos- i am on day 4 of my exercise routine :) not much of a change yet but being sore- but the positive effects mentally have started up already :)

eaprez said...

yeah betmo!!!!!!!!!!!! it does really make you feel good when you exercise. It reduces stress and helps me sleep better.