Friday, February 27, 2009

An unapologetically liberal agenda


Just a month into his presidency, Barack Obama is calling for the most dramatic change in decades in the way the country tackles its most pressing problems—from the economy and health care to energy, education and taxes. Government, he says, must take the lead—do things big, and do them now.

Not since Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt has a president moved to expand the role of government so much on so many fronts—and with such a demanding sense of urgency.

The scope of Obama's ambition was laid bare in the budget blueprint issued Thursday. It would raise taxes, redistribute income, spend more on social programs than on defense and implement policies that touch almost every aspect of Americans' lives—their banks, health care, schools, even the air they breathe.

Even starker than the breadth of Obama's proposals was his determination to break with the conservative principles that have dominated policymaking since former President Ronald Reagan's election in 1980."It changes the whole paradigm," said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) "We're going to have a government that helps people."


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