Sunday, March 01, 2009

Beta-blockers erase emotion of fearful memories

Memory remains, but feeling of fear is less or gone, shows experimental study in people

1 comment:

Spadoman said...

This is interesting to me. I was diagnosed in 2001 with PTSD by the VA. I also had my first of six heart episodes in 1985. I have been on beta blocker since then.

I have seen some differences with the way I regard images and thoughts. The memories that have haunted me for years still do so, but they don't seem as harsh.

I don't give the credit to beta blockers, though. I gained a spiritual base some time ago and I maintain that my involvement with that has allowed me these changes.

Acceptance of my past, forgiveness of myself and generally a greater understanding of my problems have brought me through the periods of shame, pain and suffering.

Maybe if this study is true, I can say that I actually have seen change over the years. But I rather doubt that it would be this rich if I didn't put forth any effort and just took the pills that make my heart work a little less hard.

I just don't know. By the way, I take 25mg. Atenolol every morning. I used to take 100mg. Metroprolol twice a day and was like a zombie!

Hope you have a great experience in Philadelphia, (is that where you're at?)