Monday, August 03, 2009

35 clues that you listen to Sean Hannity

1) you believe in "limited government"...
but have no problem with public employees ordering the torture of people to death half way around the world.

2) you believe in "personal responsibility"...
but think if you repeat John 3:16 often enough that somehow torturing a man to death 2000 years ago and washing yourself in his blood will miraculously absolve your responsibility for the sins you continue to commit.

3) you believe in the "rule of law"...
unless some new spooky villain comes along and threatens you. then the government can do whatever it wants to make you feel all safe and warm and cozy again.

4) you believe in the constitution...
but think the only part worth defending is the second amendment, and so long as you have a permit and do it a "free speech zone"

5) you believe in "freedom" ...
but won't hesitate to stoke a mob mentality and use tyranny of the majority in the name of "protecting families"

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