Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GOP Strategy: Attack Pelosi

God forbid they actually come out with plans for America. Nope, they're planning on more of the same. Aren't you folks on the right sick of this yet?

A week after the hoping that General Stanley McChrystal would put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "in her place," it seems the GOP has found a place of its own for Pelosi: their attack ads for 2010. Attacks on Pelosi will be "a major part" of the GOP's 2010 electoral strategy, according to The Wall Street Journal. During the August recess, the GOP ran a dozen ads linking members of congress to Pelosi, and an anti-Pelosi ad is currently running in an upstate New York district preparing for a special election. A recent Wall Street Journal poll found 44 percent of Americans had a negative view of Pelosi, while 27 percent had a positive one. The New York Times, meanwhile, sees a template for a Democratic 2010 strategy in the nasty New Jersey governor's race: "Its shorthand description: winning ugly."

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