Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Homeless man becomes a millionaire after writing hit symphony... with no musical training

A self-trained musician who slept rough on the streets for a decade has been hailed a genius after writing a symphony.

Stuart Sharp, 67, saw a vision of the musical masterpiece in his mind after his baby son Ben died 35 years ago.

He could not read or write music but the tunes were so vivid he was determined to turn the 'imaginary' sounds into a symphony in memory of his lost child.

But the dream led to problems in his marriage and eventually divorce. He ended up homeless and broke on the streets of London.

But Stuart's persistence eventually paid off and his 40-minute masterpiece has now been recorded by The Philharmonia Orchestra (of London).

Stuart's Angeli Symphony has been described as a work of 'genius' by music experts and is to be played in the Royal Albert Hall.

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