Monday, November 02, 2009

Idling School Buses May Be Harming Your Child's Lungs 2

Idling buses, cars and trucks may not seem like a big deal, but in New York City they spew out as much pollution as nine million diesel trucks driving from the Bronx to Staten Island, according to the Environmental Defense Fund. That's roughly 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide, 940 tons of nitrogen oxide, 24 tons of soot particles and 6,400 tons of carbon monoxide each year.

Vehicles running on diesel fuel release fine particulate matter and elemental carbon — also known as black carbon. In studies around the world, particulates have been linked to deaths from respiratory disease and heart attacks. Diesel exhaust also contains several carcinogens and other toxic substances.

For school children, health experts say diesel exhaust presents a serious health concern — especially to asthmatics — because it can trigger asthma attacks.

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