Sunday, January 03, 2010

Urban Dictionary: Liberal Media

1. A myth used by Republicans to justify having bilge like FoxNews and Rush Limbaugh on the air. One of the Five Great Scapegoats of the modern American Republican who blames all of his shortcomings on everything but himself.

Scapegoat 1: Terrorists/Foreigners
Scapegoat 2: Democrats and Other Liberals
Scapegoat 3: "The Liberal Media"
Scapegoat 4: Secularism
Scapegoat 5: The Poor

2. What the media must be if it does not kiss Republican ass. It certainly could not be objective, if the media acknowledges any negative occurrence regarding conservative issues every good journalist knows you are supposed to serve your country and sweep it under the rug to make the government look good. Silly Dems! News is for Nazis!
If the discovery of unfavorable facts surface, simply declare your hatred by claiming the source to be part of the liberal media.

My report card says I got straight Fs. AHHHHH MY TEACHERS HATE ME! FUCKING LIBERAL MEDIA!

3. The Daily Show and The Onion. Thats about it.

When CBS has an "intellegence failure" and does an anti-Bush story, 4 people loose their jobs and Dan Rather's career is tainted.

When George W. Bush has an "intellegence failure," we pre-emptively bomb a country, 1,500 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis die. He says "Oops," gets re-elected.

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