Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Today's Quote

If you're looking for your happily-ever-after in the arms and eyes of another person, you will always be disappointed. Even in the most mature spiritual partnership, a mate is only there to give you back to yourself. In the end, you're the only person who can satisfy the deepest craving that every one of us shares - the need to feel significant. If you don't already know you have significance, the process of discovering that is the very work you were put on this earth to do, whether you've been married for 15 years or single your entire life. Nothing a partner can say, do or give you will completely assure you of your value if you aren't sure of it yourself.

Married or single, if you're looking for a sense of completion , I encourage you to look inward. For every one of those moments when you find yourself desperate to join up with someone who doesn't respect or value who you are, remind yourself that man's rejection is often God's protection - and then say "thank you" and keep steppin'.

The irony of relationships is that you're usually not ready for one until you can say from the deepest part of yourself "I will never again give up my power to another person." Only then will you be a woman who's ready for the strongest kind of connection.

-Oprah Winfrey from O March 2002 pg 216

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