Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ignore Sarah Palin Week! (2/28-3/4)

We've tried debating her, arguing with her, boycotting her, voting against her, and yet... she keeps coming back. Much like a vampire or a nasty fungus.

So for just one week, we're going to try something new: Ignoring her.

That's right -- February 28-March 4 is officially, "Ignore Sarah Palin Week." For just one week, signers of this petition pledge to do the following:

* Change the channel if she comes on TV
* Surf to another page if she pops up on the web
* Turn to another article if she appears in a newspaper, magazine, comic book, etc.

Will you join us? Will you take the pledge? If so, sign the pledge  and help spread the word. Can we ignore her for a week? Can we get our friends, neighbors and co-workers to do the same? You betcha!

Now, we understand that it might be tough to go cold turkey, and completely stop paying attention to Palin. Thus, we offer these helpful tips:

* If a friend mentions "Sarah Palin," reply as if he or she said, "Para Sailing." And keep doing it. Para sailing is way cooler.
* For your dose of gossip, consider switching to someone far less annoying. Like Snooki.
* Visit "Telling Sarah Palin She's Full of Crap" on Facebook, and join 100,000 other people who will be talking about everything else BUT Palin.
* Refer to her as "she who shall remain nameless" for the duration of the week
* Have other conversation topics ready to go

It's that simple. We really can ignore her for a week. We really can help pop any trial balloons being floated for 2012.

We really can enjoy a glorious week, free of Sarah! You betcha!


Army_4_Christ_2Corin10;5 said...

Seriously?? Why not just tell everyone that for the next 30 seconds they can think of anthing EXCEPT a pink elephant. This is the most absurd childish loonyness I've heard since grade school.

Anonymous said...

the fact that it's an organized endeavor only lends to the comical value of "ignore SP week". I'm an independent who would not vote for SP and have the clarity to see the nonsense of this, think of how much more ridiculous this will be to the right. Liberal America--you're making arses of yourselves

eaprez said...

Let me see if I have this post 'anonymously' are an independent and yet you claim to have clarity. Hmmmmmmm the evidence is contrary to your claim!!!