Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oprah to Reveal Family Secret

Now it's her turn for an on-air reunion: Oprah Winfrey has announced she'll reveal a family secret on her talk show Monday, hinting that it might be a reunion with a long-lost family member. She would only say that it involves someone very close to her and that only a few people know the situation. "I thought I'd seen it all. But this, my friends, is the miracle of all miracles," she says in a promo for the show. "I was given some news that literally shook me to my core. This time, I'm the one being reunited." Oprah said she's been keeping the family secret for "months" now. Her tangled family history leaves a lot of room for guessing: She was born to teenage parents and was raised by a string of relatives in different states.

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