Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Child Writes Note to Protect Self and Mother from Drunk Driving

Imagine having the courage, at just nine years old, to stand up and tell someone if your mother is doing something that puts both of your lives in danger.

A girl from Detroit did just that two weeks ago, slipping a note to a bank teller asking for help. Her mother, Latanya Renee Evans, had been drinking heavily before driving to the bank with her daughter. The girl was afraid to get back into the car with her.

The girl waited with the bank teller, and called her father for a ride home. After her mother got into the car alone, the bank teller called the police to report her. A quarter mile from the bank, she was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving. “She subsequently failed field sobriety tests, including a preliminary breath test, and was placed under arrest,” Police Lt. Nick Loussia told The Detroit News.

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