Sunday, July 29, 2012

Florida cops taser man three times after stopping him for jaywalking

Police in Casselberry, Florida tasered and handcuffed a man after he refused to produce identification when they stopped him for jaywalking, according to the Daily Mail. Officers tasered Zikomo Peurifoy three ties before cuffing him and taking him into custody, but rather than apologize for using violence against a non-violent suspect, police have said they are considering using the video for training purposes.

Zikomo Peurifoy and his companion Noelle Price were crossing a street in Casselberry when they were stopped by police. Price, who was also taken into custody, but released without charge, began to film the encounter with her phone.

Officers demanded to see Peurifoy’s ID, but he refused to comply. The confrontation rapidly escalated, with Peurifoy and Price repeatedly asking the officers to get their supervisor. The officers attempted to place Peurifoy in handcuffs, but he refused, saying the request for his ID was not a “lawful order,” but insisting repeatedly, “I am not resisting arrest.”

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