Saturday, August 11, 2012

50 Gifts From Living in the Present

1. Your fears shrink to a whisper.

2. You find joy waiting for you.

3. Your heart feels free to love.

4. You feel connected to all beings.

5. You are one with the wisdom of the collective consciousness.

6. You feel at peace with yourself.

7. You feel free to be who you are.

8. You open to creativity.

9. You appreciate the beauty of those you love.

10. You are accepting of yourself and others.

11. Your need to judge falls away.

12. You can step back and see the bigger picture.

13. You listen to the quiet knowing of your soul.

14. Your ego-mind’s need for power and control is quiet.

15. Your mind is open to greater knowing.

16. You are easily motivated and inspired.

17. You have more awareness and insights.

18. You easily choose happiness.

19. Your life feels purposeful.

20. You feel filled with gratitude.

21. You love yourself.

22. You heal your past.

23. You live free of worry.

24. You enjoy real and meaningful relationships.

25. You do life with great passion.

26. You find pleasure in the simplest of things.

27. You feel inspired to express yourself more fully.

28. You do what is healthy for you.

29. You have fun letting your inner child out to play.

30. You are calm and patient.

31. You learn to sit quietly and enjoy the silence.

32. You experience your connection to nature.

33. Your consciousness expands, filling your eyes with light.

34. You think of tomorrow but live fully today.

35. You pay attention to your intuition.

36. You rest easier and sleep more deeply.

37. You merge with the Source.

38. You express your inner genius.

39. You pursue the full expression of your potential.

40. You give and serve for the good of others.

41. You walk the Earth in peace.

42. You are open and appreciate differences.

43. You forgive, let go of the past and move on.

44. You find ways to express your unique greatness.

45. You act with confidence, trusting yourself.

46. You feel hope and trust in things working out.

47. You take responsibility for your life.

48. You march to your own drum beat, do your own dance.

49. You lead a dynamic and energetic life.

50. You live in balance and harmony.

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