Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas for Mystics

The holidays are only holy if we make them so.

Otherwise, the assault of modernity -- from crass consumerism to a 24-hour news cycle to the compulsivity of the wired world -- wrecks whatever we have left of our nervous systems, making the true spiritual meaning of Christmas seem as distant as the furthest star. It's only when we consciously carve out a space for the holy -- in our heads, our hearts and our lifestyles -- that the deeper mysteries of the season can reveal themselves.

The holidays are a time of spiritual preparation, if we allow them to be. We're preparing for the birth of our possible selves, the event with which we have been psychologically pregnant all our lives. And the labor doesn't happen in our fancy places; there is never "room in the Inn," or room in the intellect, for the birth of our authentic selves. That happens in the manger of our most humble places, with lots of angels, i.e. Thoughts of God, all around.

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