Thursday, March 21, 2013

Time to clean house

It's time to put a spit shine on your 'internal environment' to get ready for the warm days to come. Adding these foods to your diet regularly will have you dancing in the streets on the first sunny day!

These top ten foods for a successful cleanse should also find their way into your day to day eating, so that your body is consistently cleaning itself and your vitality is maintained easily.

1). Leafy Green Vegetables: Raw, cooked, in soups, salads or juices, greens like kale, collards, watercress, arugula, spinach, bok choy, broccoli (to name a few) are jam-packed with chlorophyll which is essential to ridding the body of environmental toxins, as well as working to protect the liver. Lightly diuretic, leafy greens, especially watercress and arugula will work with the liver to flush out toxins, but their rich mineral content keeps you strong.

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