Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Home Office Furniture

The desk to the left, is the desk I had picked out for the home office. Shipped to my door, unassembled - without chair - was going to cost me $650. I thought I was getting a deal because the EXACT same set up from Target (same brand name) was nearly a grand. I thought I was getting it for a steal for $650.....and if the home office job doesn't pan out for some reason, I still have a very nice desk.

Below is the desk that my sisters convinced me to purchase tonight. The desk tops are a faux leather - blotter like and actually very nice. Completely different from what I had chosen but I bought the desk, and a really nice, plush, cushy, comfortable chair. Add delivery, assembly and I got it all for $460. It's plenty big for my needs and actually, I kind of like it. So now I am having a crisis moment. I had paint all picked out for the wood desk. I will have to agonize over paint/accessories for a room with a chrome/glass/black desk. It takes me forever to pick a paint color. I was going to paint the room this weekend and now I will be paralyzed over the selection of a paint color. I did like the color they had on the wall in the showroom - I asked if they had samples of the colors they used and they agreed that was a great idea (because they had such great colors) but they didn't. So - I'm going to be running back to Lowe's and getting a zillion paint samples of what I think is close to the show room and running back to the furniture store and try to match my samples with what they have in their show room. I hope they don't think I'm stupid. I'm making my sister go with me so they can think we're both stupid. I don't mind feeling stupid as part of a group - I have difficulty being alone and stupid. I'll post before and after pics of the room.

On another issue - I am getting a new roof put on the house as well as new siding - I'll do before/after pics of that as well. My house is currently yellow (it was when I bought it) think I'm going with a dark gray or some other earthy color. I always wanted a little yellow house with a white picket fence - now that I have one - have always hated the color. It's soooooo dated :-)

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