Thursday, November 08, 2007

Why I Hope My Neighbors Have an ARM Mortgage & They Loose Their Home

This is the view from my home office. The place where I spend 9 hours of each work day. Hideous view, isn't it?

On Sunday my neighbors dragged a couple of large mattresses to the curb which sat there until Wednesday afternoon when the city came and hauled them off on trash pick-up day. Later on in the day, all this crap was placed on the street where it will sit until NEXT WEDNESDAY! These people have no brains. They should give IQ tests before approving a mortgage. They should require people to go to classes which teach them how to live amongst other, more elevated people.

I really have a difficult time with people who don't consider the impact that their actions have on other people. I can only hope they are gearing up to abandon their property in the middle of the night to go live in a trailer court where they would be happier. BUT in the event that they aren't, I submitted a complaint to the city code enforcement office this morning with pictures. Once again, I have to be the bad guy because I don't want to sit in my house and look at their garbage for a week. I have had issue after issue with these people and I am tired of dealing with them.


Anonymous said...

Dont you wish military housign rules applied in the outside world? We have a neighbor with dog that never shuts up....a weenie dog so its not even a real bark!!

eaprez said...

Amen to that Nancy! These people are simply ignorant! They have a dog that is a barker, their yard always looks awful, they were trying to run an auto body repair shop out of their home - they're just awful to live next to. Oh and the husband, he did grow up on an Air Force base so its not like he doesn't have a clue. He's just lazy.

Yar said...

You should have seen my neighbor's property in Oregon. Right out of Deliverence. That photo you have there looks downright homey.

Willie said...

We have some hispanics 2 doors down that had 3 toilets in the driveway. After 2 weeeks we called the county, and they came and made them move them into their garage.

What the @#^%$ are people thinking???


Beth said...

Welcome Willie. I feel for people with bad neighbors. I long to live on a big patch of land with no neighbors as far as the eye can see. Although I can relate to your bad neighbor story - I don't think the fact that they were hispanic neighbors had anything to do with their ignorance.

Yar said...

Unless you live in New Mexico where everybody is Hispanic. If your neighbor does something and they're not Hispanic, you've been kidnapped to another state.

And all kidding aside, I've seen lots more trash in a lot of yards than I tend to see in Hispanic yards; their culture, by and large, is much less wasteful than that of many Americans.