Sunday, March 23, 2008

What The Easter Bunny Brought Me

I've been wanting a treadmill since I started working from home and today I finally took the plunge and ordered one. Amazon had it on sale (56% off) and with free delivery and no sales tax I couldn't have gotten a better deal had I bought it locally.

At my last job I used the treadmill during my lunch hour and I became addicted. I'd put the ipod on, hit the treadmill and 2.5 miles later my stress was resolved and the rest of the day was down hill!

One of the downsides of my job is that I am in a chair 8 hours a day. I need to get more active. I may join the local Y if they offer Yoga since my insurance will reimburse me $150 for the membership. How nice it will be to begin my day with a bit of walking and end it that way if I wish with no concerns of the weather.

I also FINALLY finished and sent my taxes a few days ago. That has been hanging over my head for weeks so am glad to have them done. I have never filed this late (with the exception of the two times I had to PAY and then I filed April 15th.) I don't know what my issue was with getting them completed. I had gone through the forms in early February and filled in 'dummy' numbers in places I had to go back and fill in real numbers. Money simply wasn't a big enough motivator for me to 'get'er done'! What finally pushed me over the top was the hand wringing I did each week because it was hanging over my head. I finally said out loud "Beth, this is just ridiculous! You have 90 minutes of work to do on them TOPs - get them done and put this behind you." That little self talk was all I needed to finish them up. WHEW.

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