Monday, September 15, 2008

What I Learned From the Storm

The biggest lesson learned is to stop thinking about that day in the future (that never comes) where I am going to put together an emergency kit. As soon as I had power today I ordered several essential items and implore those of you who aren't prepared to get prepared. Today, I ordered the following items. (If you order them at Amazon you pay no taxes and get free shipping to your door.)

A rechargable lantern. This Coleman lantern holds a charge for 9 hours. My sister said it lit up her whole living room and was still working when they went to bed.

An emergency radio. I sat in my car last night to listen to the local news. I ordered one today that charges on a crank and also uses batteries.

A car charging attachment for my cell phone. Although I have a corded phone in the kitchen for power outages if phone service went out I would have been dependent on my cell phone. For whatever reason, I didn't have a car charger for it. I ordered one today.

Oil Lamps. For when all your rechargeables die. Face it, the grid is deteriorating. You need to be prepared to exist for days as some of my fellow Ohioians are doing.

I have a really good emergency preparedness list that I published in our family newsletter after 9/11. I will dig it up and publish it here as well.

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