Sunday, December 28, 2008

My New Toy

Apple iPod touch 32 GB (2nd Generation)

Can't wait to get this.....This will be my 4th ipod...I use mine constantly.....I have a connection in the car, and three connections in the house to hook them up to and I never do yard work without it.

Amazon had a discount on them that Apple didn't have and with the gift card I got for Christmas, no shipping and no taxes I got quite a deal on it...just in time too,as my ipod Nano battery is starting to go.


billie said...

addicted to apples :) i have seen various incarnations all over so you are not the only one addicted :) glad you finally got one.

eaprez said...

I can't wait to get this.....this will be mmy 4th one :) I need a new Mac but that will have to wait.