Saturday, January 31, 2009

America Needs a Job

By William Rivers Pitt

The GOP's adamant opposition to the jobs programs within President Obama's stimulus proposal has nothing to do with the ideological cant of the party. The Republicans want the Obama administration to fail, so they can begin to recoup the losses they absorbed in the last two elections. More than that, they don't want another historic slate of federal programs to be enacted, because those programs might actually work, and a whole new generation of voters would give credit for a revived economy to the Democrats, just as they did after Roosevelt was finished.

The GOP's argument here is a callous, crass and heartless attempt to avoid becoming further marginalized by the effects of their own deplorable stewardship. They are putting the national security of the United States at risk. We cannot defend and improve our country if we are standing in endless unemployment lines.

America needs a job. The Republicans who have jobs and are thwarting this stimulus package should be ashamed. More to the point, they should be dismissed with cause. They do not deserve to be laid off, but should be fired outright.

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