Yesterday as I was leaving for the office, I opened the garage and saw two teens hiding behind a fence. They were dressed in black and had on black stocking caps. It was obvious they were hiding from someone. I had never seen them before and no teenagers live on my street so I closed the garage door and came inside and watched them through the window. After a few moments they crouched in front of a van parked near the front of my house. This photo was taken with my cell phone from my living room window. I thought it odd and suspicious so I called the police - then called my boss to tell her I'd be a few minutes late. Several minutes later another van pulled up in my neighbors driveway and these two boys went running towards it hurling water balloons. It was a planned prank.....at that point I left for work feeling like an idiot. I do not know if/when the police showed up. I hope that they eventually did and told those boys what a bad idea their plan was.
I think with the way you speak of your one set of neighbors, I would have been suspicious also!
Was weird because it wasn't THOSE neighbors who they waterballooned and the van they water ballooned didn't belong there either AND they have no teens. When you see teens skulking around in black when people are leaving for work...its suspicious....I thought they were waiting to rob someone.
Everyone loves a good prank...but you did the right thing. When kids act THAT suspiciously, they're just asking for someone to call the police on them!
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