Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bush admin. asked CIA to discredit a liberal blogger: report

President George W. Bush's White House ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to find information to "discredit" a liberal University of Michigan professor who was critical of the Iraq war, according to a recent report.

Former CIA officer Glenn Carle told The New York Times' James Risen that while he was working as a counterterrorism expert for the agency in 2005, the Bush White House asked intelligence officials to uncover sensitive information about Professor Juan Cole on at least two occasions.

Cole, an expert on the Middle East, writes a popular blog where he has often used Arabic news sources to counter the official U.S. Iraq war narrative.

Carle said that his supervisor at the National Intelligence Council, David Low, returned from the White House one afternoon in 2005 with instructions to gather information on Cole.

"What do you think we might know about him, or could find out that could discredit him?" Carle recalled Low asking.

Low was undeterred after being warned by Carle that such actions would be illegal.

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