Friday, June 17, 2011

A Mass ‘Strategic Default’ Movement Begins – Time to Rebel Against Economic Tyranny By Walking Away From Your Mortgage Payments (OpESR)

As a result of fraudulent actions by the “Too Big to Fail” banks, 28% of US homeowners now owe more on their mortgage than their homes are worth. A new survey by Fannie Mae found that 27% of American homeowners are considering walking away from their mortgage.

Why should we be forced to pay an overvalued mortgage when it was the big banks who wrecked the housing market? After getting bailed out with trillions of our tax dollars, the big banks are reaping record profits and their executives are giving themselves record bonuses. Meanwhile, as they continue to push home values off a cliff, we are forced to pay for their crimes with outrageous mortgage payments and increased property taxes.

This scandalous exploitation of the American public has to stop. The time is now to strategically default on mortgage payments en masse. A National Mortgage Default Action will begin on the 4th of July. Celebrate your financial Independence by joining this movement.

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