Monday, June 20, 2011

Today's Quote

“Love is loving things that sometimes you don’t like.”

-Ajahn Brahm

The most challenging part of relationships is learning to accept people for who they are–to know all their quirks, insecurities, and weaknesses and choose to simply let them be.

Psychologists suggest that once we form an idea, we develop an emotional attachment that makes it extremely difficult to abandon it. We feel convinced our way is the right way, and feel an imperative to sway other people accordingly, particularly people who are close to us.

The irony is that this tends to push people further away. It’s hard to feel loved when you feel judged.

Today, resist the urge to “fix” people around you (unless, of course, someone is legitimately unsafe).

If there’s one thing we all want, it’s to feel fully accepted, inadequacies and all. We want permission to stop judging ourselves and just be. Put that kind of love out there and you may be surprised to notice it coming back to you.

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