Wednesday, November 21, 2012

50 True things about life, love and loss

Savor every moment. It’s the only one that is guaranteed.
Leave your mistakes in the past. They don’t define your value, then or now.
When you hear your inner voice speak, it’s a good idea to listen.
Ask for what you want – believe you are worthy to receive it.
Kindness is like snow. It makes everything it covers more beautiful.
Say, “I love you…” Don’t wait; tell the people you love today, tell them right now.
Sincerity is the bridge to intimacy. It opens and closes based on how the honesty travels.
There is no perfection in beauty – only grace.
A leap of faith begins when you start trusting your heart as much as you do your head.
Don’t use your words as a weapon.
Forgiveness isn’t about letting the other person off the hook; it’s about freeing you of the pain.
Reach out and touch your world today.
Death teaches you things about loss: It’s okay to feel the pain; to grieve the loss; to believe that tragedy doesn’t always have to make sense; to think that life just sucks sometimes; to want to be happy again; to ask for help to get back up.
There’s a hero in you when you look over the fence and know your grass is greener.
Real love is sustained when we make the choice to feed it with our deliberate passion.
Life is about doing, not just being.
Celebrate the good things when they happen.
You are stronger than you think.
Why not you and why not now?
Saying nothing can sometimes speak the loudest.
Forgive yourself.
Only you can give your power away. No one can take it from you.
Letting go isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength.
You cannot change or heal what you do not acknowledge.
Try to see the best in others, not the worst.
No one else can contribute to the world like you can.
The temptation to quit is strongest the day before you realize your dream.
Don’t rent your life, own it!
Fall in love, every day.
Save some medicine for yourself.
Opportunities exist every day to choose love.
Would you rather be right, or happy?
Look in a mirror and make the commitment to take care of the face you see.
Compliment more; complain less.
Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your head is telling you.
The way to love big is by doing something small every day.
Give more than you take – and never keep score along the way.
Don’t’ wait for the weekend to enjoy life.
Realize you are more than enough.
Six essential words for a happy marriage: Forgiveness, faith, trust, humor, passion and friendship.
Fathers share a part of their child’s heart; mothers share a part of their child’s soul.
You light up the sky with your amazing power. The sun simply soaks it in for the world to see.
It’s never too later to start over.
A promise kept is trust coming to life.
Offering encouragement doesn’t have to take many words; it just has to come from the heart.
While love may feel fragile at times, if treated with care, it may bend, but it won’t break.
Purpose is what keeps you moving forward in life – it floods your soul with passion.
Life is a journey that is travelled no matter if you like the road conditions, or not.
Do something good every day.
The point of being human isn’t to fear death, but to live as boldly as you can along the way.

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