Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marco Rubio, Who Bragged About Living In "Working Class" West Miami, Is Selling His $675,000 House

Marco Rubio -- the Tea Party's wunderkind, GOP's great not-too-white hope, and water's most awkward chugger -- had his moment in the national spotlight last night, delivering a rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union speech in both English and Spanish. The reviews are in, ranging from the Daily Beast's "winsome" to Maureen Dowd's "parched, sweaty and shaky."

But let's talk for a moment about his humbleboast, "I still live in the same working-class neighborhood I grew up in." Yes, that would be West Miami, where Rubio has been trying to sell that house for an un-working-class-like $675,000 so he can up and move his family to GODLESS ELITE DC.

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