Monday, July 15, 2013


Been a long time since I've written an update about what's going on in my world.  Really...not much has changed.

Still living in the same place...still driving the same car.  I am now working as a clinical software developer for a small company.  Was a local company that got bought in December of last year by another small company located in Boston.  Was a significant salary increase for me so I was able to be lured away from Humana and the world of insurance to something very new for me.  A big adjustment.  I went from supervising a team of 15 and being so busy I could never catch up to supervising no one and having zero stress, zero emails, zero demands.  I do go into the office 4 days a week which is a big downer for me who had grown fond of and accustomed to working at home.

Trying to resist the impulse to get a new car.  Have had no car payment for about a year and that is nice.  I am going to spend some money to have the car fully detailed on the 26th.  It is rather expensive BUT is cheaper than a new car! :)  I'd like to hang on to my car for another year or so then will probably opt to buy a Prius or some other make of gas saving vehicle.

Still have the four dogs....Taz, Zoey, Izzy and Jaz although I think Taz's days are numbered.  He's 14 now but keeps ticking.  Think he has lymphoma although I haven't paid to have it officially diagnosed as due to his age I would not opt for any treatment.  He started with two lumps and now he has many of them.  He doesn't seem to be in any still eating, drinking, peeing and pooping and gets excited over treats.  His hearing is bad and he doesn't see as well but as long as he doesn't seem distressed he goes on.  I hope he stokes out or something because I don't want to have to take him in to have him put down.  Zoey is not far behind him age wise....she's 12.  Other than some arthritis in her back legs she seems to be doing fine.  I started giving her glucosamine a couple of months ago and she's like a new dog.....almost skipping in the yard.  Izzy just celebrated her 4th BD and just a hot mess.  She's always got something in her mouth.  You could drop a feather and she'd hear it from the other side of the house and come and get it off the floor.  I will NEVER have 4 dogs again.  Too much work.

My daughter is doing well in Dallas.  Working for a company contracted with American Airlines.  Something to do with custmers is all I know.  She goes into work at the ungodly hour of 4AM........God Bless her!  My son got his CDL license and has been driving for a trucking company.  Something he wanted to do and likes to do.  Says there is always work to do.  Hopefully he will stay on the straight and narrow. 

We had 21 days of rain and now that has passed and we are into the dog days of summer.  Temps are in the high 80's/low 90's with heat indexes near 100.  I hate this kind of weather as I like to be outdoors during the summer months and this is just too hot.  Since I just started my new job in April, I won't be taking a vaca this year....might take a fair day.....and plan on taking an extra day at Thanksgiving and time off for 'Bethfest'...but other than that, I'm letting it accumulate.

Hope everyone is having a great summer.  The cold will be here before you know it.


Spadoman said...

Thanks for the update my friend. Looks like I stopped in at the right time to get it! I drove right through Columbus last month. I bought a new motorcycle and went to pick it up in Toronto, Ohio. I spent the night in Reynoldsburg. Would have been great to meet up for dinner as I ended up dining alone. I just waved as I blasted through instead.
Sounds like you are living life and doing what you need to do. Did you garden this year?

As always, I wish you Peace

eaprez said...

Nice to hear from you.....yes am gardening against this year....keeps me sane. WAH I could do it full time:)