Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Never Thought I'd Want To High-Five A Teacher For Yelling At A Student, But I Was Wrong

Racism is a system of advantage based on race. Do you believe white racism exists? Do you believe black racism exists? How has white racism adversely affected the lives of black people in America? How has black racism adversely affected the lives of white people in America? Black people or any minority race can hate white people all they want but it has no power to impact a whole group of white people.

Centuries of slavery followed by systemic racism—such as sharecropping, black codes, Jim Crow—have acted as "virtual re-enslavement" policies that continue today. The practice of lynching was done by families, women and children, who would smile and grin at blacks being hung, or tied to a truck with their bodies dragged through the streets until the limbs came apart. Although not everyone is traumatized by a particular incident, slavery is not about one incident but a lifetime of incidents.

Brown Eyes-Blue Eyes Experiment - "The Angry Eye"
By Ms. Jane Elliot

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