Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Hard To Speak About These Things In Public. So He Drew This Instead.

"I made this for folks like me, many of whom are still living with shame, guilt, and fear (many of the responses I've received have mentioned similar suicide pacts). I'm aiming to get this out into the public consciousness, because while most facts people know actually come from hearing them in stories, updated information takes decades to filter back into new stories, as most writers cover the same ground with what they learned from others' stories. Eskimos don't have a crazy number of words for 'snow,' sharks don't have to keep swimming to live, Mister Rogers wasn't a fighter pilot, and victims of child sexual abuse don't become offenders. We'd need a new word to out-class the present epidemic if they did because the incidence stats are horrifying."

— Dean Trippe


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