Friday, March 21, 2014

Paul Ryan Disqualifying Dog Whistle

by Mark E. Anderson

dog whis·tle
[dawg-hwis-uhl, -wis-, dog-]
Politics. a political strategy, statement, slogan, etc., that conveys a controversial, secondary message understood only by those who support the message: His criticism of welfare was a dog whistle appealing to racist voters.

My dad who saw racism at its worst in the segregated Navy of WWII always said that it is a man's character we should judge; not his color.

When Paul Ryan said,

“We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning to value the culture of work, so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with.”

His true character showed. He is a racist, using the same dog whistles that have been used since reconstruction in the south and probably even before then. When he says inner cities and generations of men not learning the culture of work—it is quite obvious that he he talking about African-American males. A dog whistle of the highest order. The only difference in the way Ryan said it and how it was said fifty years ago is that Ryan was not wearing the robes of the Ku Klux Klan to hide behind. He is a U.S. Congressmen from my home state and he has embarrassed the state of Wisconsin once again.

Like my father, I am judging a man by his character and Paul Ryan is not someone I would invite into my home. Nor is he someone I want representing any part of my beloved Wisconsin. Attitudes like Ryan's are prevalent in today's Republican Party. He is not an exception, he is the norm. Instead of judging people by their character instead of color or taking the time to actually understand the causes and effects of poverty—Paul Ryan takes the same road we have seen taken time and again. Attacking the weak, attacking those that do not have the means to defend themselves in the political arena. Not only is Ryan a racist, he is a bully.

Read more


Paul Ryan Confronted At Town Hall Over Inner-City Poverty, Obamacare

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