Friday, April 25, 2014

KY reporter’s hidden camera catches Tea Party candidate lying about cockfighting rally

These Teapartiers are despicable people.

Recently released video footage shows U.S. Senate candidate Matt Bevin speaking in support of a state’s right to legalize cockfighting, which contradicts his description of his involvement in the rally held last month in eastern Kentucky.

The Tea Party challenger to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had previously claimed he believed the event, which was organized by cockfighting enthusiasts, was not related to the illegal blood sport but was simply a state’s rights rally.

But a WAVE-TV reporter went undercover to the March 29 event and recorded some of the speakers, including Bevin, who followed the event’s organizer, Dave Devereaux – who clearly explained the rally was held “for the sole purpose of legalizing gamecock fighting at the state level.”

The activists want voters to decide whether Kentuckians should be legally allowed to force two game birds to be outfitted with sharpened spurs, tossed into a ring, and fight to the death as spectators gamble on their lives.

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