Saturday, August 30, 2014

Today's Quote

Good and gracious God,

Peace escapes us as a people.
We think of it as a destination
rather than a way of life.
We act as if we can create it
in the world
and then just sort of
live in it.

Teach us that peace
does not work that way.
Teach us that peace
is a life perspective
much more than it is
a state of life.
Teach us that peace
is a way of being,
a way of living,
a way of relating to others
much more than it is
a distant goal to achieve.

Help us grow hearts and minds
that deeply value
lives of peaceful being
and help us to see clearly
that life lived that way
is what you intended it
to be.

May we be found
not so much simply at peace
as much as being peace.
May we be found
creating peace
through our
and words,
and day-to-day lives.

May our lives
shout to the mountaintops
of hate
and violence
and disharmony
and turmoil –
“let there be peace on Earth
and let it begin with me.”


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