Friday, October 25, 2013

Texas Judge Carlo Key Flees the GOP: ‘These Are Not My Values’

Carlo Key, a judge in Bexar County, Texas, has left the Republican Party, and he blames the Tea Party. “Rational Republican beliefs have given way to ideological character assassination,” says Key in a video announcing his switch to the Democratic Party, ahead of his reelection campaign. “Make no mistake, I have not left the Republican Party. It left me.”

Key’s big concern, like so many Americans who have voiced their disapproval of the GOP, is with values. His local party supported a San Antonio City Council member, Elisa Chan, who was caught making derisive comments about the local LGBT community, calling its members “disgusting” and “unfit to be parents.” As an elected official, Key was expected to attend a press conference where he—and others—would defend Chan. He couldn’t do it. “I got in my car,” said Key in an interview with The Daily Beast, “and I said, ‘I just can’t go. These are not my values.’”

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